28 May 2012


I am grateful for beautiful friends who freely offer a beautiful vintage silk sequin top for me to honour my love of Eurovision. Also grateful for delicious Chardonnay and delicious Roquefort & D'Affinois to share with friends during the screening. Plus wind machines, pyrotechnics, bedazzled blindfolds and euphoric petals falling from the sky. Monsieur Lordi was a nice touch too. Congratulations Sweden!

27 May 2012

25 May 2012

A new song a week

Courtesy of The Tall Poppies: So grateful I was lucky enough to go to Uni with such talented ladies who share such beautiful songs with the world!

12 May 2012

01 May 2012

Grateful for Grateful in April

I recently started subscribing to the Grateful in April e-newsletter. It was greatful. Thought I would continue being grateful and graceful. A couple of years ago when I was going through a rough time, I bought an A4 diary, kept it next to the bed and every night wrote a whole pageful of "Things That Make Me Happy". I still look back and smile at it. It was really helpful. This is a condensed version of the same thought.