18 July 2015


I like to record birdsongs on my phone's voice recorder and listen to them later so I can remember where I've been.

Not exactly the same thing, but I love this:

07 July 2015

Grateful to be in good health

My grandest achievement today was getting out of bed. I really didn't want to (plus I'd been ill and unable to get up for three and a half days).

Second best was being able to stomach a normal meal for dinner.

Getting back to wellness. It's such a beautiful reminder of how lucky we are when symptom-free.

17 May 2015

Stumbling across old posts about me

Random true facts, yes
Unexpected levels of hope, joy, buoyancy and whim, unexpected.
Soon I will be who I have always truly been. And it makes me happy, just the thought of it.

16 May 2015

There are good people out there

I have met them
I have loved them
I have been loved by them
I have been nurtured by them
I have rescued them
They have rescued me

That's what defines us

There are good things happening for good people. You just have to pause and be thankful.

15 May 2015

25 April 2015

Saturday 25th April

Flowers on the table
24hour grocery shop

Lamb roast
Lovely people
Ample cider, lots of wine

Mighty Boosh
Noel Fielding guest programmes Rage

One year anniversary of this home

Happy dog, first world veterinary care

FaceTime audio with my little brother

Freedom that Australians have fought for so we can enjoy ourselves


19 April 2015

Getting crafty

Gladly helping others to learn how to knit.
Such a fun way to pass the time and feel constructive whilst gasbagging away.
Lovely people, lovely tea, lovely arvo & lovely craft.

18 April 2015


Half-awake, I wondered why my arm was moving around. The little kelpie was gently using her nose to nuzzle my outstretched hand into a better position. She was using the palm of my hand as a cradle/pillow for her head. Once she got comfy, we both fell asleep.

Furry companion.

17 April 2015

Life, health and the universe

Thank you thank you thank you so much

The end of a health scare today but all is clear now.

It's been a long day, my dog had diarrhoea, my shift was weird, the handover was long but who cares in the grand scheme of things.

I have my health, and that is such a gift. I promise not to squander it.

Rest in peace Davs. I will remember your beaming smile when I think of you.

13 April 2015

Circus dog

The air is rising in cold damp swirls around me from the path and grass beneath my feet. The sky is expansive, clear and blue, with the hot sun landing on my shoulders. My favourite sensation combination. I feel I might be swimming through my life, with grace. 

The dog looks up, bright furry countenance and beams. Then does a handstand to pee.

Morning constitutional. Indeed.

10 April 2015

Not all the good people are dead

Grateful for good people in this world.
So many crap people.
I suppose it's like flowers poking out of the mud (and bullshit).
Good people or people who are mostly good.
I know we're out there.

08 April 2015

Grateful that I care

even if it causes pain.
The alternative is too hard to bear.

Being human is quite confusing sometimes.
One day I will express it fully.

07 April 2015

The clean crisp smell of rain

It doesn't rain much here. When it does, it's like a shock to the system, but slowly, easily, it becomes comforting and soothing like an old friend.

I did enjoy the darkness as I drove down the long and empty roads. A metaphor, for life, and the direction I have chosen. Not the easiest, not the sunniest, but very pleasant. Lonely is not always bad.

Last night I was grateful for quiet solitude, the way the light hits the rain and some respite from the constant sunshine. No light without shade.

Honourable mentions:
Dog people
Music, sweet music.
Alice Cooper reminiscing on the radio.
Brothers and sisters, good crazy, bad crazy.
Hearty food.
Being appreciated, valuable and kind.

04 April 2015


Grateful for iPhone, shuffle and Aux mode

remember when the iPod wouldn't shuffle?
remember that?

a long time ago
we used to be friends

03 April 2015

Enjoying the weather

Flat bottomed-clouds, you make the big blue sky profound.

Grateful in April

Thank you Grateful in April, for being a highlight of the year and a reminder to think about what is important.

Things I am grateful for:

The depth and breadth of friendships I have with a many different people

Lucy Lu, the spotty-socked escape artist who still likes to come home to cuddle

My family, we are all doing the best that we can

Technology and the wealth and luxury of being born and bred Australian

Plants and beauty in nature

Ability and potential

Feeling gathered up inside my body

01 April 2015


Stories to tell

Safe strong supple
Head butting giraffes

I don't fight anymore

24 February 2015

Eating is not procrastinating...

Once, in high school, we had a relief/work experience teacher for French. She taught us how to make crèpes one day.

It's funny how teachers can shape out future, even if we don't always remember it every day. 

08 February 2015

Where I live has a taste

Sometimes I suddenly realise how sweet and clean the tap water tastes here. I've lived in a variety of places. Clean and sweet water, kind of like how I imagine it would taste in Narnia.

16 January 2015

Crazy adventures

Black cockatoos
Spontaneous time trials
Caring for friends
Backing away
Being able to shine
Choosing your moment
Fish and chips
Kelpie jumping
Sparkling sunset
Down time with family
Returning to solid

05 January 2015

I get to love what I do

I've been given permission to do what I want. 

Imagine, oh surly teenager, all moods and unsureness and trying to hide your pure heart. You've worked hard for this, you've been handed the keys to the car. One of many dream cars. Haters gonna hate. The ones who can't drive are the worst, telling you all the reasons they think you can't do it as well as they could. The ones who can just diss your sweet ride because it's different to their Mum's which they've been forced to tolerate all this time. They'll try to make you forget.

Just turn the key and drive away. Leave their whining to fall away in the wind whipping through your hair and listen instead to the roar of the engine. The river, the ocean, this land knows who you are.

Do what you love. Be who you are. Sing loudly along with the radio, just to rub it in.

02 January 2015

A new year

A perfect night
The breeze from the ocean
The pale pink sunset over the river glimpses