07 January 2014


Today I am grateful for cooking, the love that I have for food and creating with it. I was crying today over many things old and new, but through the tears I forced myself to cook. To get back into doing what I love and be who I am. There is room for improvement but the creativity is there.

Oh yes, and truedreams. I forgot to mention truedreams. The brain knows things, locked away, that are true and releases a kernel at a time in my dreams. Grateful I am one of those.


  1. I feel ridiculously silly for not noticing the most significant line in your first gratefulness post of the year. Love and loss are things to value but also... well, they're darn horrible at times. Glad that you're getting your cooking mojo back. You're my closest food blogging sister so I can't lose you! Amazing, you are. Can't wait to see the wonderful things ahead for you, I know this year will be great! x

  2. We will create more beauty for the world this year. Culinary and otherwise!
